State Nuclear Baoti Zirconium Industry Company

  • Category: Manufacturer | Service provider | Distributor | Wholesaler
    Address: No.206, Gaoxin Avenue
    Zip code: 721013
    City: Baoji
    Country: China
    Tel.: 0086-917-8661607
    Fax: 0086-917-8661666
    Description: SNZ, a specialized company with R&D and manufacture of zirconium products.
    Company印象: No data
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State Nuclear Baoti Zirconium Industry Company ( abbreviated as "SNZ ) was established on November
26, 2007. It was co-invested by the State Nuclear Power Technology Corporation Ltd. (SNPTC) and Baoti
Group. and an elite subcompany of SNPTC.

SNZ, a specialized company with R&D and manufacture of zirconium products, has the first complete
nuclear grade zirconium production chain in China, which is also the only domestic licensee in China for the
whole manufacturing technology of AP1 000 nuclear grade zirconium materials from Westinghouse Electric

SNZ’s facility locats in Baoji, Shaanxi Province, except that zirconium sponge production line is in Nantong,
Jiangsu Province. The manufacturing system includes nuclear grade zirconium sponge production, zirco-
nium alloy ingot melting, billet preparation, tubing, bar, plate & strip production and recycle material process-
ing. The annual capacity is 2000 tons of sponges, 2000 tons of alloy ingots, 80 tons of plates and strips,
1000 tones of tubes and bars, which meets the demand of 100 million-kilowatt level nuclear power units and the needs of petroleum and chemical industry etc.

SNZ’s facility locats in Baoji, Shaanxi Province, except that zirconium sponge production line is in Nantong,
Jiangsu Province. The manufacturing system includes nuclear grade zirconium sponge production, zirco-
nium alloy ingot melting, billet preparation, tubing, bar, plate & strip production and recycle material process-
ing. The annual capacity is 2000 tons of sponges, 2000 tons of alloy ingots, 80 tons of plates and strips,
1000 tones of tubes and bars, which meets the demand of 100 million-kilowatt level nuclear power units and the needs of petroleum and chemical industry etc.

State Nuclear Baoti Zirconium Industry Company
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